Sorcerer [COMPLETE]
by Ron Edwards
You have bound a demon. What do you want? Can you handle it?
Winner of the Diana Jones Award in 2002:
"Fresh, mathematically honest, direct, and patently concerned with good game-play, Sorcerer is a marvel of RPG design. First self-published online for as a for-sale PDF, Sorcerer—together with its creator and publisher Ron Edwards—represent the potential of the independent innovator in today’s RPG industry. Now available in hard cover, Sorcerer stands above competitors in elegance and intelligence."
- Facilitator: Ron Edwards
- Player number: Minimum 2 Maximum 4
- Partecipant: Moreno Roncucci, Luca "Torre piezometrica" Veluttini, Ezio "Aetius" Melega, Mauro Ghibaudo
- Duration: 1 slot
- Notes: english language event
Further informations:
Learn more about the game
Adept Press Forum
- Ron Edwards
- Paul Czege
- Danielle Lewon
- Michele Gelli
- Claudia Cangini
- Moreno Roncucci
- Mauro Ghibaudo
- Luca "+1" Ghibaudo
- Lapo Luchini
- Matteo Suppo
- Katia Davoli
- Ezio "pozzo adiabatico" Melega
- Lavinia Fantini
- Luca "Torre piezometrica" Veluttini
- Lorenzo Trenti
- Alessandro Riccò - Gwilberiol
- Paolo Bosi
- Enrico Putaturo
- Sara "Starcatcher" Porello
- Rocco Duchi - ROCCO_D
- Niccolò "Domon" Ricchio
- Michele Pupo
- Jasmine El Hadj
- Matteo Turini
- Andrea Castellani
- Manuela Soriani
- Mattia Bulgarelli - Korin Duval
- Ronny "Gunny" Negrelli
- Emilio Brognara
- Marco "Mr Mac" Andreetto
- Dario Delfino
- Enrico "slauni" Mola
- Lavinia Barni
- Mr. Mario Bolzoni
- Paolo Davolio
- Alexandra Zanasi
- Simone -Spiegel- Micucci
- Luca "bonisol" Bonisoli
- Andrea Bruna
- Malinka
- il mietitore
- Errezero
- Arumas-o-thos
- Humano
- AleA
- Elke
- Andrea 'Mechvigiak' Vigiak
- Patrick "patmax17" Marchiodi
- Jessica "Axel Smile" Menegoli
- Stefano Preda Predieri
- Trevor "3evil" Devalle
- Davide Losito ( Khana )
- Rafu
Who will attend INC'11
The 55 confirmed guests:
- Alan Di Giulio
- Bazinga
- Berzoni Gabriele
- Filomena Cesarano
Who will attend INC'11
The unconfirmed guests: