BAR: Birrificio Anonimo Romagnolo

Gaetano Pasqui, brewer in Forlì around 1840, internationally renowned agronomist, set up a brewery which obtained quite a success but, most important, he created, first in Italy, a selection of autoctonous hops.
Also for beer we can talk of "terroir", territory. Yes, the beer can be produced anywhere, even far from the barley fields. But German barley will be different from the English one: it will keep its land "gene". Also the hops and waters will give their unmistakable contribution to the beer flavour.
Italian beer has no ancient traditions like wine but we're seeing a "Italian Brewery Renaissance". We don't have our own styles and thanks to this we are free from prejudices. Free to invent new recipes and new flavours. Italian artisan beer is asserting itself in Europe and the world and we think we can talk about "territory flavour". Local cuisine and wine tradition, so stricly bounded to the land and its qualities, unique and special, are in our beer: the water of Tuscany-Romagna Apennines, so fresh an clean, coriander from the plains, reminiscent of the sea salty tang; honey of the bees from our green and luxuriant hills are our "terroir". This is why Manuel and Paolo's brewery wishes to stay ANONIMOUS. We want to give voice to the flavour of our land: Romagna!
- Ron Edwards
- Paul Czege
- Danielle Lewon
- Michele Gelli
- Claudia Cangini
- Moreno Roncucci
- Mauro Ghibaudo
- Luca "+1" Ghibaudo
- Lapo Luchini
- Matteo Suppo
- Katia Davoli
- Ezio "pozzo adiabatico" Melega
- Lavinia Fantini
- Luca "Torre piezometrica" Veluttini
- Lorenzo Trenti
- Alessandro Riccò - Gwilberiol
- Paolo Bosi
- Enrico Putaturo
- Sara "Starcatcher" Porello
- Rocco Duchi - ROCCO_D
- Niccolò "Domon" Ricchio
- Michele Pupo
- Jasmine El Hadj
- Matteo Turini
- Andrea Castellani
- Manuela Soriani
- Mattia Bulgarelli - Korin Duval
- Ronny "Gunny" Negrelli
- Emilio Brognara
- Marco "Mr Mac" Andreetto
- Dario Delfino
- Enrico "slauni" Mola
- Lavinia Barni
- Mr. Mario Bolzoni
- Paolo Davolio
- Alexandra Zanasi
- Simone -Spiegel- Micucci
- Luca "bonisol" Bonisoli
- Andrea Bruna
- Malinka
- il mietitore
- Errezero
- Arumas-o-thos
- Humano
- AleA
- Elke
- Andrea 'Mechvigiak' Vigiak
- Patrick "patmax17" Marchiodi
- Jessica "Axel Smile" Menegoli
- Stefano Preda Predieri
- Trevor "3evil" Devalle
- Davide Losito ( Khana )
- Rafu
Who will attend INC'11
The 55 confirmed guests:
- Alan Di Giulio
- Bazinga
- Berzoni Gabriele
- Filomena Cesarano
Who will attend INC'11
The unconfirmed guests: